Benefits of solar system maintenance.


The benefits of solar system maintenance are many. Solar system maintenance is a set of processes and practices which aim to ensure the continuous and efficient operation of any solar system. There are 3 different types of maintenance. That is; preventive, corrective, and predictive maintenance.

Just as the name suggests, preventive maintenance is aimed at preventing a failure, minimizing the consequence of the failure, or assessing the risk of the failure occurring in a system.

Corrective maintenance is done after a failure has occurred. It is done as emergency maintenance for basically reinstating equipment functionality.

Predictive maintenance is a technique that uses condition-monitoring tools and techniques to monitor the performance of a system or a piece of equipment during operation.

In this article, we are going to educate you on why you should consider predictive maintenance.

Benefits of System Maintenance

1. Lengthen system lifespan- Keeping your equipment in good condition allows it to run longer, lowering costs.

2. Lower risk of breakdowns- Waiting to perform maintenance after a failure puts your facility at risk for lost productivity.

Only about 10% or less of industrial equipment ever truly wears out from proper use– this means that 90% of mechanical failures are due to preventable problems, avoidable with a good preventative solar system maintenance plan in place. By proactively scheduling maintenance you can significantly lower the risk of your equipment failing, giving you peace of mind.

3. Increase efficiency- equipment that sees routine and regular preventive maintenance also runs more efficiently.

4. Decreased unplanned downtime- when preventive maintenance is performed you have the opportunity to schedule the procedure at a convenient time for you and your facility minimizing disruptions in production and efficiency.

5. Promote health and safety- In the context of preventive maintenance, health and safety are often thought of as primarily a concern in facilities with dangerous equipment, but health and safety are important in every facility– even office buildings and schools.

6. Boost your satisfaction- ensuring equipment is always running as efficiently as possible directly translates to cost savings and increased revenue.

7. Save money- all of the reasons listed above lead back to one ultimate benefit of preventive maintenance: it saves money.

In Conclusion

Unplanned solar system maintenance typically costs 3 to 9 times more than planned maintenance. Emergency reactive maintenance has to accommodate the cost of rushed shipping on necessary machinery parts, compensation for specialized technicians, and lost sales revenue or productivity while the equipment isn’t in use. Even worse, failing to properly implement preventive maintenance could result in the need for a full equipment replacement, causing costs to soar. The upfront costs of performing preventive maintenance may seem intimidating at first, especially if your facility is operating under a tight budget.